Monday, November 7, 2011

Drinking from a cup

Ben enjoys drinking water from our cups. I thought he just played with it, but the other day we gave him just little amounts at a time and he sure is drinking it! He does it by himself...leans his head back and all!

I have yet to capture him crawling on film. But it's coming!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Some things I've learned...

*Ben only wants banana. Trying anything else will only terminate his desire to eat anything at all.

*Ben will eat peas if it's mixed with banana.

*Clean up the apartment before I go to bed. Or it won't get done until the next night before I go to bed and the mess will have quadrupled. Just start a new day fresh...

*Take walks often. Ben loves it. I love it. My friend Amelie loves it.

*The mouse in the dark corner is not actually a mouse...but a gray furry ball of lint.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Moving forward!!!

Yesterday on the grass at our Halloween picnic Ben inched forward for the first time. Since then he is going at it more and more. I set him down next to his toy box and went into the kitchen area. A few minutes later I peaked around the corner and found he had crawled inside it!

Happy Halloween!

Benjamin was a cute little dragon Halloween Night. I remembered last minute I had a traditional Chinese dress in my craft box. I thought that worked out well! Like Mulan and Mushu

I thought the pumpkin we carved turned out so cool! Mark etched out an amazing tree while I carved leaves and a bat for a pumpkin face.